Floating Skill Buttons

1-click access to Skills on every web page

What Are Floating Skill Buttons?

  • When you want 1-click access to a Skill on every web page (e.g. Summarization), then you can check Add Button and it will appear above the purple lightning bolt tab as a Floating Skill Button.
  • The topmost Floating Skill Buttons are those that are specific to the current site. These are followed by all the buttons that show on all sites. Within each section they are sorted top-to-bottom in alphabetical name order. You can rearrange the buttons by renaming your Skills.
  • If there is an emoji anywhere in the name of a Skill, it will be used on the Floating Skill Button.
  • If there is no emoji, the first letter or number in the Skill name will be shown.
  • By default Ask Steve has 3 Skills with added buttons:
  1. - Summarize this đź“– which can summarize any web page, PDF, YouTube video, Google Doc or Google Slide deck. Note that the "-" in front of "Summarize this đź“–" moves this button to the top.
  2. Chart this for me đź“Š which takes whatever information you give it and returns a chart to help you visualize it
  3. Do something ✨ which lets you type in an arbitrary request

Adding and Removing Floating Skill Buttons

  • Press the purple lightning bolt tab to open the Ask Steve sidepanel
  • Go to the Skills tab
  • Select the Skill you want to edit and check Add Button if you want to add a Floating Skill Button, or uncheck it to remove a Floating Skill Button.
  • Press UPDATE to save.
  • The changes will take effect immediately.

Button Settings

Once you have saved your Skill with Add Button checked the Button Settings tab will appear. On that tab you can change the following:

  • Button background color
  • Button text color
  • What URLs the button should appear on. This enables you to create buttons that only appear on LinkedIn profiles for instance. And using the options above, you can give these buttons LinkedIn's colors. All buttons that match a specific site are shown first, followed by buttons that don't have a URL specified.
  • Advanced Options: Inputs: For any Skills with 1 [Page Variable], by default Steve will use any selected text on the page, or the whole page if nothing is selected.

    You can override that here by clicking on the page variable and then mousing to the section of the page that contains the data that you want to use.

    For Skills with more than one page variable, this step is required - you will need to specify where to get the data for each page variable.
  • Advanced Options: Output: By default Steve puts the results on the current page in a floating panel. If you want your button to write the results back into a control on the page, you can specify that here and use your mouse to select the control.


  • Skills that have buttons added and that aren't limited to a specific URL are also moved to the top of the Context-Menu
  • Right-click on any Floating Skill Button to temporarily hide them all
  • Permanently hide the purple lightning bolt tab and all the Floating Skill Buttons on the Settings page.