Release Notes

Notes for each release in the Chrome Web Store

v1.1.3 - TBD

  • Right click on the FAB/TAB (the purple tab with the lightning bolt icon) to temporarily remove it from a page, in case you need to print or take a screenshot.
  • Removed scrollbars on Windows on the Import/Export page.

v1.1.2 - August 27, 2024

  • The Ask Steve lightning bolt tab/FAB no longer appears when you print pages.
  • Fixed issues with the format of text generated by the Quick Action Box in Outlook 365.

v1.1.1 - August 16, 2024

  • Many minor bug fixes
  • Added better error messages if you try to use Ask Steve with Google Docs, Slides, Sheets or Figma, since it can't read content from any of those.

v1.1.0 - July 30, 2024

  • Fixed bugs.
  • Changed how calls to APIs/Webhooks are made to make it easier - see the updated documentation.
  • As a result, removed the "Show Model Override" setting on the Settings page and the "This is Not an LLM" setting on the Models page since they're no longer needed.
  • Removed omnibox support

v1.0.9 - July 24, 2024

  • Automatically hide the FAB when a browser window is in fullscreen mode (so it doesn’t get in the way of your YouTube videos)
  • Chat and the Floating panel now hyperlink all URLs
  • Added a new “Show Model Override” setting on the Settings page that adds the ability to assign a specific model to a specific Skill. This is useful for when certain models are better at certain tasks, but also for when you want to call non-model APIs. See the video in the next bullet for an example.
  • Added a “This is Not an LLM” setting on the Models page that indicates that you’re calling a non-LLM API. All the usual instruction text and Memories that Steve would send with your request are removed. See this video for an example.

v1.0.8 - July 18, 2024

  • OpenAI made a change to how they send down streaming responses that broke our parsing. This has been fixed.
  • The sidepanel code has been changed so that there is one universal sidepanel for all the tabs in a window vs. a unique sidepanel per tab.
  • This change was made because unique sidepanels per tab is not supported in Edge and Vivaldi, and we weren’t really doing anything with that capability anyway.
  • So now when you open the sidepanel, it is open on all the tabs in a window, and when you close it, it’s closed for all tabs.
  • As a result, Chat and Skill configuration should now work properly in Edge and (mostly) in Vivaldi.
  • The lightning bolt tab that enables you to quickly open the sidepanel (aka the FAB) still doesn’t work properly in Vivaldi - you can disable it in the Settings.
  • If you encounter other issues, let me know here!
  • You can now open the Skill Picker in Chat with either “k “ or just SPACE in the chat field.
  • When you go to the Models page, it is now more clear that you can’t enter model details until you login. Once you login, you can enter model details immediately without having to press “Add New Model”.
  • Added Cohere Command R+ and Open AI GPT4o Mini as model templates. Removed OpenAI GPT 3.5
  • Chat can use just the selected text on a page, but previously could not read selected text in iframes served from different domains as the main window. This has been fixed.
  • For Skill Buttons - the output option “Popup” has been renamed “Floating panel” since some users thought it meant browser popup.