Connect Ask Steve to Any API

Do any kind of processing by calling your own API or Webhook

·2 min read
Cover Image for Connect Ask Steve to Any API

Call Any API from Ask Steve

Right now Ask Steve calls an LLM in the background with your prompt and returns the result. But really it's just calling an API which happens to be an LLM. With a few small new features in the 1.0.9 version of Ask Steve, We've made it easy to call ANY API.

So now rather than triggering a single LLM call from the current page or selection, you can do... anything! Pre-process the input, augment it with external information, log it, etc. Then process the input with code, external services, one or more LLMs, or some combination. And finally post-process the result before returning it to the user in the Ask Steve UI.

To demo this, I created a simple workflow using - a really powerful low/no-code workflow automation builder - and connected it to an Ask Steve Skill. This workflow takes the selected text, parses it, puts it into a Google Sheet and returns a confirmation.

You can do this with your own code running on a server somewhere, or with any visual workflow builder like n8n, Gumloop, Activepieces, Make, Zapier etc. that supports Webhooks.

Let us know if you connect Ask Steve to your own API!

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